Lazy Eye and Cross Eyed Treatment
The amblyopia diagnosis means that the brain and the neural paths in the eye don’t communicate properly. The brain makes up for this disparity by focusing on the “good” eye, and ignoring the “lazy” eye.
It is imperative that this condition receive immediate treatment, as early correction will protect the patient’s vision long term. Should the eye that is functioning properly incur an injury down the road, the patient would be left with the poor quality eye sight. Perrysburg Eye Center can treat this condition with several methods.
When the afflicted eye is forced to work, the brain and nerves must learn to communicate. This is achieved by placing an eye patch over the unaffected eye, the “good” eye, and forcing the other eye to work. Although patients may balk at this procedure, it is effective over time. The eye care professionals at Perrysburg Eye Center will prescribe a calendar of patching and doctor visits to closely monitor the improvements, and encourage the patient.
Eye drops can also be utilized as an alternative method, and will blur the good eye, forcing the lazy eye to work. This method can be used in very mild cases of amblyopia, which your Perrysburg Eye Center doctor will diagnose. Eye glasses with a blurry lense are another method of forcing the amblyopic eye to see, and teaching the brain to recognize images delivered from the lazy eye.
Strabismus, commonly referred to as “cross-eyes” or “wall-eyes” can be diagnosed and corrected with proper treatment from the doctors at Perrysburg Eye Center. When both eyes look in different directions, at the same time, in a constant or intermittent manner, medical intervention is required to save the visual acuity of the patient.
The brain may decide to “turn off” an eye, as a result of the blurry or distorted images it receives. Six muscles control the movement of the eye, and the improper length or location of one of them will cause strabismus.
Perrysburg Eye Center provides treatments to bring both eyes into alignment, once a thorough medical diagnosis is completed. These treatments can include corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses, or even prism lenses in the eyeglasses to remedy any double vision which may occur. A course of vision therapy could be designed to provide the patient with the correct in-focus image to keep the brain working properly. Eye muscle surgery may be required to change the length or placement of the eye muscles.
Each particular case will receive the proper corrective treatment at Perrysburg Eye Center.